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优秀学生. 忠诚的校友. 敬业的教职员工. Without a doubt, those qualities have been the hallmark of 重点大学 since 1868. 在一起, we have worked to build Keystone into all that is has become and all that it will be in the days, 个月, 以及未来的岁月.



Keystone's long line of leaders have been committed to growth and excellence since it was first founded as an academy in 1868.


We look to the past in order to appreciate the present and plan for the future.



1868 – Keystone Academy originally chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with instruction beginning the following year in the local Baptist church in Factoryville.

1870 - Keystone Academy第一座建筑的现址破土动工, 哈里斯大厅, 以约翰·霍华德·哈里斯命名, Keystone首任总裁.

1934 -Keystone Academy更名为Scranton-Keystone Junior College.

1936 -第一个获得副学士学位的A. 卢埃林贝尔.

1944 -学院名称缩短为Keystone初级学院.

1973 – 重点大学 Observatory officially dedicated and opened to the public.

1995 – The name of the College again shortened to its present name, 重点大学.

1998 – The College received formal approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to offer baccalaureate degree programs.

2000 -第一个学士学位, 刑事司法理学学士, 授予史黛西·戴维斯·贝尔.

2000 - Keystone学院天文台更名为Thomas G. 库皮拉里60天文台,以纪念其创始主任.



棒球巨星克里斯蒂·马修森(小茉莉 Mathewson)从1895年到1898年就读于Keystone, 当他在学校的棒球队和足球队中表现出色时. 取得373场职业投手胜利, 包括1908年创下的37胜全国联盟纪录, Mathewson was inducted posthumously into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1936, 和泰·科布一起上特许入门课, 沃尔特•约翰逊, 贝比鲁斯和霍纳斯瓦格纳.


The 重点大学 baseball team has won 18 consecutive conference championships and appeared in the NCAA Division III National Championship Series, 2016年获得亚军.

2001 -学院最新的宿舍开放, 波姆 Hall(以前称为Keystone Commons).

2004 – 重点大学 student-athletes begin competing at the NCAA Division III level.

2005 – 103.5 WKCV-FM, Keystone’s student-run radio station began on-air broadcasting and has since advanced with web-streaming royalty rights so the station can broadcast over the Internet and can be heard by anyone, 在任何地方, 有互联网连接.

2006 -学院将其首届班级引入 体育名人堂.

2007 - Keystone是总统气候承诺的创始成员, an innovative commitment to the environment initiated by select college presidents nationwide.

2007 -学院引入了聚会, 为期三天的年度专题讨论会, 研讨会, 表演, 和讨论. People from diverse backgrounds meet to explore the creative spirit through the sciences and arts of cultures from around the world.


Our pledge that within six 个月 of graduating from 重点大学 you will have received at least one job offer or been accepted into a transfer or graduate program.

2010 – Renovations to the exterior and interior upgrades of the Hibbard 校园 Center

2011 – Keystone establishes the Howard Jennings Nature Preserve in honor of Howard Jennings, 退休生物学教授. A portion of the College’s beautiful Woodlands 校园 will be not be developed in any way.

2012 – The Theatre in Brooks is renovated, featuring both mechanical and design updates.

2012 – Keystone’s nationally recognized efforts in environmental sustainability continue with the completion of a Rain Garden, 管理雨水径流和提供教育机会.

2014 -开放Keystone的新$3.400万合成全天候运动场和跑道综合体.

2014 – The College receives formal approval from the United States Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Education offer master’s degree programs.

2015 - Keystone为埃克尔家族馆揭幕, 为Keystone学生提供户外聚会场所, 教师, 工作人员, 校友及当地居民.




目前在校生近1人,100名学生, Keystone offers more than 50 degree options in liberal arts and science based programs. The College provides distinctive programs and students receive a comprehensive education with active and engaged learning opportunities that stimulate interests, 提高技能, 确保职业准备.

2016 -学院授予第一个硕士学位.

2016 – The 重点大学 baseball team advances to the National Championship Series of the NCAA Division III College World Series.

2016 -基斯顿学院开设了3d设计卓越区域中心, 为企业家提供技术资源, 业务, 制造业, 以及教育团体.

2017 – Keystone renames the School of Arts and Sciences to the Turock School of Arts and Sciences in honor of Keystone alumni Betty J. Turock, Ph值.D. 1953年,大卫·L. Turock, Ph值.D. 77年,还有52年去世的弗兰克·图洛克.

2017 – The College dedicates its newly remodeled and relocated radio station, WKCV 103.5 FM.

2017 – The College welcomes its first-ever Fulbright Scholar, Rahman Bhuiyan, Ph.D.2017-2018学年.

2017 – Keystone announces a major development plan which will dramatically improve the quality of life for the College and surrounding communities. Keystone will develop a new commercial building complex featuring commercial tenants, 包括牛排奶昔, 一个星巴克, Keystone的校园购物中心, 一个健康健身中心, 还有一家银行.

2017 – The College renames its Keystone Commons Residence Hall to 波姆 Hall in honor of President Emeritus Dr. 爱德华G. 小波姆. 前Keystone第一夫人Regina E. 波姆.

2018 – Keystone announces that it will expand its athletic offerings by adding football as its newest varsity sport.

2018 - Keystone的名字Tracy L. Brundage, Ph值.D第11任总统.

2018 – Keystone introduces the Juvenile Justice Institute to help at-risk children cope with trauma and stress of daily life,

2018 – 重点大学 celebrates its 150周年 with a series of events.

2018 - Keystone Commons零售综合体开始建设, 其中包括Keystone Fitness, 学院绿色餐厅 & 市场,牛排和奶昔,以及东宾夕法尼亚联邦信用合作社.

2019 这是1948年以来的第一次, football returns to Keystone as the Giants fell to Wilkes University 23-19. The Giants would win its first game by a score of 27-16 over Morrisville State College on September 22.

2019 – To make college more affordable and accessible, 重点大学 resets its tuition price.

2019 – Keystone launches its Professional Development Institute offering workforce development programs that connect education and employment and provide customized, 受到信任, 行业的课程.

2020 - Keystone庆祝$3的开通.5 million Keystone Commons retail development with a ribbon cutting ceremony. 

2021 – 重点大学 proudly unveiled its newly constructed Fieldhouse in the fall of 2021.  毗邻运动场和田径综合体, 11,000平方英尺, multi-million dollar facility serves as the College’s central hub for football, 曲棍球, 男子和女子足球, 还有男子和女子曲棍球.

2023 —Keystone选择John F. Pullo,老. ’69 as the College’s twelfth president, becoming the first alumnus to lead the institution.